Monday, January 11, 2010


First up, I'd like to wish everyone a belated happy 2010. May each and everyone of you be blessed with great health, ascending career paths and a blissful love life.

I have earmarked a few things to achieve this year, though one of them already kicked off in December - to be healthier(which we will get to a little later). One of my resolutions is to be more active on my blog. I'm grateful for readers who've dropped mails expressing their pleasure in reading what I have to say on this off and on again blog. Thank you. I will try my utmost to write MORE often. So bear with me.

Looking back, I can say with justice that 2009 had been kind to me. Toward the end of '08, it was said the Goat would be having a difficult year in '09, but I begged to differ.

Here's why....
  • Left my company to pursue a life of a restaurateur, while its been a 180 degree change, its been exciting and there are no regrets.
  • I met Amy. The past ten months have been nothing but a blissful journey with her. My pillar of strength, who's supported me in my quest to be a success in my new found trade, and of course, to be a better person in life.
  • The retail project, my last assignment I oversaw before leaving my company, was a success and took the company out of our slump.
  • Being closer to family after being away a total of a decade. Took getting used to, but there has been more pros than cons.
Back in June of last year, I bought a book, 'Skinny Bastard'. Its basically a book about being a Vegan and talks about how unhygienic the slaughter houses are, how the human body isn't functioned to digest meat, that the animals we consume are fed with countless amounts of antibiotics and are sprayed with pesticides and insecticides.

How when alarmed, the animal releases stress related chemicals into their bloodstream before slaughter which compromises the quality etc.

Reading up on all that has made me aware how cancer is so common. How the food you and I are ingesting, are the causes of various types of cancer and heart diseases. So around late last year, I went on a 5 day vegetarian diet till today.

I allowed myself eggs, with fragrant brown rice and raw or sometimes lightly cooked vegetables. I get to eat what I want on my off day plus one day on the weekends with Amy. I feel better especially in terms of energy levels and have dropped 4kgs.

I'm working on some changes with regards to the restaurant. Stay tuned for what's in store. Meantime, wishing you the very best for twenty-ten. May this be a better year for you!

Over & out!

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