Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Rolling up the sleeves

The challenge has already begun...

Thursday, January 05, 2006


A very Happy New Year 2006 to everyone out there. Besides packing in the pounds with non-stop eating sessions, its utterly relaxing to be back. I have till next week before heading back so I'm definitely taking time to savior every moment.

Christmas and new years were both spent differently from last year but nontheless, very satisfying. I hadn't really mapped out this years resolutions but just a couple of pointers I did have in mind during new year eve's dinner. Working my socks off and travelling.
2005 was quite a year, it started off slow but ended strongly and I'm really pleased with areas regarding the work front. There's going to be a lot more hard work this year but I am looking forward to the challenge.

As for now, I'm just going to take it easy, and reflect on potential targets I may have missed out for the new year. Wishing everyone seasonal blessings heading your way, overcoming challenges with ease and remember to do good towards yourself and others. All this with impeccable health, passionate love, continuous happiness and neverending prosperity - Happy New Year!