Sunday, July 24, 2005

Life goes on

Suffering personal losses are a real devastation in life, that goes without saying. Sometimes when its others' losses, we're not as adversely affected as they are. At most, we sympathize with their misfortune, bemoaning their unfortunate luck. Just like the 9/11, where so many were killed especially while running down the fire escape to exit WTC, or the plane that drove into the buildings' destruction with passengers seemingly knowing their fate. The tsunami devastation that wiped out some islands and its population which included holidaymakers in parts of Asia. The London bombings which took the lives of some, who heard the news of the underground destruction, then took the no.30 bus instead leading to their fated demise.

We all pick ourselves up and move on with time. As the saying goes 'Life goes on'. We continue living for we are still alive, and those who perished would have wanted us to do what they won't be able to.
I too, suffered a personal loss. Devastated? Immensely. Feelings? Numb. Thoughts? Lost. I won't disclose this loss on my blog, as its a personal one that requires anonymity. I am however, writing this entry as a statement of going on living to the fullest as possible because we are, after all, still alive and potential for leaps and bounds.

Life throws us a lot of uncertainties which makes life unpredictable. Sometimes, it hits you when you least expect it. I know this devastation will blow over after some time, if I don't seem in high spirits of late, please excuse the partypooper in me. I will however try and put the saying into action because if I don't, I shouldn't have the luxury of living anyways...

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