Saturday, May 07, 2005


There was a case of snatch thef today around the restaurant. Apparently the thief had snatched a necklace off a bloke! What a genius. His accomplice fled the scene on a bike and he had to run for his life. A motorist, upon witnessing the incident gave chase in his car and as he neared the culprit, opened the driver's side door causing the robber to fall. The victim gave chase and shouted to the coffee shop just behind the restaurant for help and an entourage of hawkers and patrons stormed out to give this thief a beating he will never forget.

Apparently the daughter in-law of the coffee shop operator had her handbag snatched off her yesterday after having dinner at my restaurant. So her husband must have vented a lot of anger on this luckless thief. They certainly gave him a good beating before letting the authorities haul him away. I would have joined in but there was no room to stick my foot in. There you go, crime doesn't pay.

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