Friday, May 13, 2005

Fish with lesser bones?

So today I had two very gorgeous patrons for dinner. One of which was at least 174cm tall, looked like a China doll with a hairstyle similar to Moe of 'The 3 Stooges'. I gave them some time to study our menu before waiting on them.

The usuals were ordered. Tom yum goong, crispy fried kang kong, mango kerabu salad and the popular, steamed Lemon fish. "Get me smaller fish. Too big cannot finish. Also find fish with less bone one".

For a moment there, one of my eyebrows rose while looking at her and trying to fathom her request. How on earth does one find a fish with less bone? I smiled as I jotted down China doll's order and went into the kitchen to translate it to my team of chefs. They were on the floor laughing at my order of such a request. I too laughed hard when those words came out from my mouth.

Being in the food business for six years, I'm not entire sure if there's anyone who could tell a fish with lesser bones. Hmm..I'll have to ask my supplier that question.

Got me thinking..

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