Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Small Town

Couple of days ago, I got sideswiped which resulted in a damaged side mirror.

At the traffic lights, I had noticed a speeding car coming from the outer most lane.  The driver aimed to go past me in the third lane, only problem about that very lane was it being WAY too narrow to past.  The vehicle was moving at high speed with no desire to slow down and as I predicted, hit my mirror and sped off without so much as a flinch.

I was calm, didn't give chase, honked or anything.  I merely took down the culprits car digits and boy were they easy to remember.  Made my way home to check the damage and give a call to my insurance guy.  He came over shortly and after assessing, advises me to get it repaired myself instead of filling a police report.  Fine, I took his word for it.

However, it felt like complete injustice.  Especially seeing it was a modified vehicle and knowing it must be some young punk thinking he's the king of the road.  I took to Facebook and posted the maniac driver's car digits and within the same day, had his full name, address and phone number listed by an acquaintance.


I was thinking if I should pay a visit and ring his doorbell.  I had all the time in the world and thought about some options.  I spoke to Amy and relayed the incident and asked if she knew anyone by this name.  Hey presto! It was her ex-colleague's husband.

Penang is way TOO small....GOTCHA!!

She made contact and the culprit's wife said there was no excuse for his atrocious driving and will compensate for the damage.

Fair enough.

At the workshop, a service staff managed to refit the mirror back to its origin without any charge.  It was maniac driver's luck.  He got off easy this time, though thinking back, could have been a lot worst.
Anyways, morale of this story is, don't do anything stupid especially in Penang, its way too small AND, you never know right?

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