Friday, October 09, 2009


Ahhh! Finally some time in cyberspace. Have been so busy the past month with the opening of my new restaurant, 'Chiim'.

I'm excited its happened after what seems like forever. Its still a work in progress as I plan to add things here and there as the business grows. Still can't really believe I'm a restaurateur now. One thing I can really believe are the hours involved. By the time I get done, I'm so knackered my social life is spiraling downwards.

I love the challenge. I've always wanted to own a restaurant(well, a chain of them!)and now this is the beginning of my passion. I'm hoping it will drive me and keep me motivated for as long as I'm still breathing.

'Food is the only thing that truly nourishes'

So why not let it be a passionate occupation at the same time?


Leon Koh said...

nice blog you have.. a hello from singapore!!

Jem said...

Thank you, Leon!
Don't blog as much now though ):