Thursday, March 13, 2008


Thank f*ck Zainuddin Maidin lost.

One can only wonder how an imbecile such as himself could be made Information Minister. We were the laughing stock of the world after his disgraceful interview with Al Jazeera a while back. His tirade was less than comprehensible and I couldn't help but be sickly ashamed as a Malaysian.

Even a leading opposition branded him 'Minister of Misinformation'.

I am relieved he and other ministers who've been redundant in their cabinet posts are finally out of the political picture. Its about bloody time and I'm thankful to be part of this historical change.

There will be conflicts - It has already begun between the prime minister and our new Penang chief minister. For the first time, Malaysia's political scene looks set to be an interesting and perhaps turbulent ride for the next five years?

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