Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Life is Beautiful

I've been laid low recently by a stomach bug. I suspect the culprit to be the seafood dinner together with close friends.

So lately I've been travelling a bit especially outside Bangkok to the new facility. Its been good getting out of the city and getting in touch with nature. I made sure I stayed awaked - yes I fall asleep everytime being a passenger - to witness the cows grazing by the side of the road, and the never-ending stretch of both salt and shrimp farms. Ratchaburi is a small town a little more than an hour from Bangkok, renowned for its floating market in the mornings crowded with tourists and locals.

The new facility is actually 45 minutes away from the town center. So you can imagine traffic is quite bare around the factory. Behind the plant is a river, that connects to the floating market and it is just serene. Picture just spending the day sat on a wooden hut built by the river, feet dangling above the water waiting for a bite on the self-made fishing rod, while listening to nature with a beer-filled icebox sitting beside you.

I spent a good ten minutes just letting my imagination run havoc.

I can only describe it with my vision, but you should really see it in person. The camera ran out of battery before I could take any of the river behind. If you can't find me at the factory, check by the hut. You may just see me sleeves folded, pants rolled up, tie loosely done and a face wide with a smile.

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