Finally, the parliament has been dissolved. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra finally bowed to pressure due to the tax-free sale of his company, Shin Corp. Prominent academics, politicians, business figures, students and the general public have vented their dissatisfaction by taking to a well known location downtown to protest.
Considering the fact he sold his massive telecom company for a cool US$1.9 billion, not a single cent, or Baht for that matter went to tax. Thinking about it, its darn well absurd. Anyways, elections are set to be held in a few months' time and there's already a scramble to determine who will helm 'The Land of Smile'. Many say Thaksin will still win the upcoming elections but with lesser support. Some say the Democrats will take power from the previous government of Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai(TRT).
That would be interesting. The Democrats are led by the charismatic and very good looking, Abhisit Vejjajiva, seen here discussing with fellow politicians regarding last year's censure debate.
Asiaweek qoutes "Abhisit Vejjajiva is somehow too good to be true: a young lawmaker who abhors the old system and works tirelessly for a cleaner tomorrow. For the Thai people, used to some of the classic cigar-chomping, ill-informed loudmouths who stalk the halls of parliament, Abhisit offers a ray of hope".
His track record has been quite impressive. At 35, he has already served under two governments as a spokesman and Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, overseeing investment and education issues. Last year, when the Democrats under the old guard of Banyat Banthadthan came to realization after a crushing defeat by Thaksin, paved the way for a dynamic individual to take up the hotseat. Under new leadership, Abhisit has managed to persuade Orange Telecom joint CEO, Apirak Kosayodhin, a brilliant and well known top executive to be lured into politics and join the Democrats. Apirak would later go on to contest and win the governorship of Bangkok.
The Democrats basically have a younger generation steering the oldest political party in Thailand. It remains to be seen if TRT can be toppled, and even if the Democrats do stage a winning election, will Abhisit be able to weed out the bad image Thailand portrays as a haven for corrupt practices?
Its also going to be my first time voting on Thai soil since obtaining citizenship. Stay tuned...